Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women Because Of Course They Do

First “upgrave,” now this. Anyway, men not only lose weight faster but in more obvious places, like their stomachs. Women carry their weight all over their bodies more evenly, so it’s less obvious when they’re losing because it’s not from “problem” areas. Luckily, in this competition we call life, women tend to catch up with men eventually. It’s just that the female body has less lean muscle mass than the male body.
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Lose Weight, Lose Sleep Apnea?

Both moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea were found to be predictors of the disease. A previous study found that people with sleep apnea had more than double the risk garcinia cambogia extract of developing diabetes. Sleep Apnea May Increase Cancer Risk Not only do people with sleep apnea have a higher risk of developing cancer, but they also have a higher risk of dying from the disease, the New York Times reported. Two studies in May examined this link.
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Eat in These 3 Places to Lose Weight Faster

You’re more likely to consume extra calories because you’re not measuring out portions. Eat at the kitchen table (or at the breakfast counter top) instead. Prepare a meal or snack, and sit down so you can slowly savor each bite. Seeing the food on the plate in front of you will allow your brain to register how much you’re eating, so once you’re finished, you’ll feel satiated.
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